You Cannot Silence Democracy!
You Cannot Silence Democracy, You Cannot Silence the Republic!
A statement by Arzu Çerkezoğlu, President of DİSK
As the purchasing power of millions rapidly declines and income inequality grows rapidly, a large portion of society is condemned to live on the ‘minimum’ wage. Meanwhile, a small minority continues to increase their wealth, and the political power, which has lost its social support, is trying to preserve its position through undemocratic means.
After falling to second-party status a year ago, the prisons have now been filled with politicians, unionists, journalists, artists, and citizens who oppose the current government.
Last year, hundreds of mayors and municipal council members, who were able to run for office because no charges had been brought against them, are now being accused of serious crimes such as “corruption” and “terrorism” within just one year…
We are being asked to believe in these unprecedented accusations, which contradict the normal course of life, and the events are being justified as falling within the limits of the “rule of law.”
Most recently, with operations targeting the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Beylikdüzü, and Şişli Municipalities, the elected mayors Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mehmet Murat Çalık, and Resul Emrah Şahan have been arrested.
The revocation of Ekrem İmamoğlu’s diploma, which he earned 35 years ago by the ruling power, and his arrest based on secret witness testimonies, with the timing of this process coinciding with the Presidential primaries, clearly shows that these events cannot be explained by the law.
This mentality, which attempts to eliminate political rivals using the judiciary and seeks to de facto dismantle the constitutional order, is threatening our country’s present and future. A period where the rule of law is so instrumentalized will bring heavy costs to our country. Along with democracy, the rule of law and our livelihoods are shrinking.
However, we will not submit. As workers, we will continue to defend our livelihoods, democracy, justice, and our country; we will use all democratic means of struggle to do so.
The struggle is just beginning for workers, youth, and women who have been demonstrating in the streets for days that they will defend their rights at any cost.
Those who try to protect their seat by imprisoning elected mayors and their opponents in the elections should know this:
You cannot imprison the will of the people!
You cannot imprison democracy!
You cannot imprison the Republic!
We will continue to fight for our future, democracy, and justice!