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DİSK: stop the repression against KCTU.

Long Live International Solidarity of Workers

DİSK: stop the repression against KCTU.


Confederation of Progressive Trade UNIONs of Turkey (DİSK) organised a demonstration to protest the repression against Korean Confederation of Trade UNIONs (KCTU) and detention of KCTU’s First Vice-President Ms. Jin Young-ok.


During demonstration, Tayfun Görgün, General Secretary of DİSK made a speech.


 “Although there are thousands of kilometres between Seoul and İstanbul, those two cities are not so far. Because the problems of the workers and the reppressions of the goverments are same everywhere” said Mr.Görgün.


 “Long Live International Solidarity of Workers” and “Freedom to Young-ok” placards were carried in the demonstration. Afterwards members of DİSK sent solidarity letters to Jin Young-ok.