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Joint Initiative of DİSK and KESK

Our preparation for a peaceful May Day demonstration in İstanbul, Taksim Square, is going on. Goverment made a step backward and now they are planing to announce 1st of May as an official holiday. We’d like to celebrate our holiday in Taksim Square with the aim of establishing a democratic country where social rights and trade UNION freedoms are existing.

We are going to welcome the international delegations from MEP’s, MP’s and trade UNION representatives all around the world. For all those who have not sent the name of their representatives yet, please inform us as soon as possible.

We need much more solidarity from our partners in Europe. Please find the enclosed document and send the letter to the Prime Ministry of Turkey and Governorship of İstanbul by fax.

Once more we’d like to make you remember the European Parliament’s last statement about Turkey

European Parliament;

regrets that no progress has been made on amending the legislation on trade UNION rights, and calls on the Turkish Parliament to adopt a new law on trade UNIONs that is in line with the International Labour Organization conventions;

regrets that, despite the fact that regulations on UNION formation and membership were eased in 2004, trade UNION activities remain subject to constraints;

calls on the Turkish authorities to find a solution, together with the trade UNIONs, that enables peaceful demonstrations to take place on 1 May on Taksim Square in Istanbul, respecting the freedom of association;

You can also follow the news related to May Day in İstanbul on our websites and in English section.




PRIME MINISTERY of TURKEY: 00 90 312 417 04 76

GOVERNORSHIP of ISTANBUL: 00 90 212 520 70 66


We support the demonstration which is going to be organised by trade UNIONs on 01. 05. 2009, in İstanbul Taksim Square. We support their demands for;


–      Finding the perpetrators of the massacre of 1977,                                                 

–      Announcement of May Day as the official holiday


We are concerning about the attitute of the security forces and we do not want to witness the police repression as it happened in the perivious years. We are going to be in Taksim Square to support the trade UNIONs and their attempts for the  democratization process of Turkey. 







Sendikaların 1 Mayıs 2009 tarihinde Taksim Meydanı’nda;


–         1 Mayıs 1977 katliamının faillerinin bulunması

–         1 Mayıs’ın tatil ilan edilmesi


talepleri ile düzenleyecekleri kutlamayı destekliyoruz. 


Güvenlik güçlerinin tutumlarından endişeliyiz ve geçtiğimiz yıllarda olduğu gibi polis baskısına şahit olmak istemiyoruz. Türkiye’nin demokratikleşme sürecini ve sendikaları desteklemek üzere biz de Taksim Meydanı’nda olacağız.



