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We need justice, democracy and peace

Joint statement by DİSK, KESK, TMMOB, and TTB

We, the workers, public officers, engineers, architects, urban planners and doctors of this country, are aware of the danger.

Those who rule Turkey have made both our country and our region pay huge prices by way of taking part in the war in Syria since all warnings were neglected by them. Moreover, the authorities called people who warned them as “traitors” for years.

The massacre which took place four years ago on 10 October 2015 during Labor-Peace-Democracy Meeting in Ankara that we lost 103 people is only one of the said prices paid. We are now faced with a danger of keeping “guardianship” of thousands of members of ISIS coming from all ends of the world while no country, which they are citizens of, would take them back. ISIS was formed as a result of war policies in the Middle East and committed massacres leading to hundreds of our people’s death in Turkey.

The burning question is to whom it will serve to embark in such a military operation with the permission of imperialist forces and their guns that they have sold, and will sell, in a foreign land which became the battleground of imperialist forces by way of making dangerous promises which threaten the future of us all.

It is our duty to take note of this and write it in the history as part of our responsibility to our country, to the fellow countrymen of this country and our members: For those of us who see that such a military adventure would not solve any problems, rather would deepen the main problems of our country it is not the time to stay blindly quiet.

The main problems of our country are record-breaking numbers of unemployment, excruciatingly rising prices and millions who are impoverished.

The main problem of our country is the destruction of democracy and justice.

The main problem of our country is the discriminatory, polarizing, alienating policies against the hope to live together, in peace and fellowship.

This new adventure about to be embarked in Syria will deepen these main problems rather than solve them just like it did in other such adventures in the past.

We, as DİSK-KESK-TMMOB and TTB promise once again on the anniversary of 10 October Ankara massacre during which we lost 103 friends: We are going to dedicate Turkey run by labor, peace, and democracy to all the beloved we lost.


Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey

Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions

Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects

Turkish Medical Association