European Trade UNIONs Coming to Turkey for May Day
Representatives of labour organizations from European countries started an international solidarity campaign for May Day being held in Istanbul.
Labour organizations made a statement saying “May Day must be recognized as ‘World Labour Day’ in Turkey”.
Labour organizations also called upon the organizations across the country to Istanbul for celebrating the May Day w,th a slogan: “We request unlimited right to demonstrate.” International solidarity campaign by the labour organizations will be attributed to the arrested Syrian trade-UNION activist Mansour Osanloo.
May Day campaign that has been started by NGG-Dortmund trade-UNION in Germany is growing day by day with the participation of ETUC, ITF, IUF, ICEM DGB, DISK (the Confederation of Progressive Trade UNIONs of Turkey), KESK (Confederation of Public Employees Trade UNIONs), Türk-İş (Confederation of Turkish Trade UNIONs) ant the other trade-UNIONs and parliamentary groups.
“Come to Istanbul with your Flags”
Trade-UNIONs are coming to Istanbul in May Day in order to protest the police force that have used proportional violence last year in May Day. Trade-UNIONs also started a sginature campagin that calls upon the people to protest the violence of the police force and they plan to send ten thousands protest letters to the Istanbul governance.