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Arresment of Executive Committee member of KESK

This morning in the early hours, the operation against our Confederation has started in İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Van and Manisa. Since then in accordance with the information that we can get 11 trade UNIONst have been taken into custody. 

 The arrestments are still continuing and the number of the people is increasing in every moment. However we consider that the number will exceed 100.  Among them Confederation Executive Committe member R11; Woman Secretary- Songül Morsümbül has also been taken into custody. in the early hours, the bust of the houses of these people and  our confederation office by the police is still continuing. The police has not informed us yet about the reason of this operation.

The following six of them are the executive committee members of our affiliate trade UNIONs.

  1. Songül Morsümbül  – Executive Committee member of KESK
  2. Gülçin İsbert – Executive Committee member of EĞİTİM SEN
  3. Yüksel Özmen – Executive Committee member of İzmir Branch of SES
  4. Meryem Çağ – Representative of İzmir Branch of BES
  5. Lami Özgen R11; member of Ankara No 1 Branch of EĞİTİM SEN
  6. Hasan Umar – R11; member of Van Branch of EĞİTİM SEN
  7. Hacı Ali Sipahi – member of İzmir Branch of EĞİTİM SEN
  8. Abdurrahman Daşdemir –  KESK Former General Secretary
  9. Elif Akgül R11; Former Executive Committee member of EĞİTİM SEN
  10. Aziz Akikloğlu – member of Manisa Branch of EĞİTİM SEN
  11. Refik Aslan R11; retired teacher  / former member of Manisa Branch of EĞİTİM SEN

In order not to confront with unavodiable and fatal consequences, we believe in the emergency of the intervention to this anti-democratic situation. We believe that your solidarity and support is very important and provide an important contribution to our struggle.