From the speech made by Suleyman Celebi while leaving the hospital on 13th of October 2009 who has shot on 5th Of October
I am released from the hospital today. My treatment will go on from home. My doctors told me that i will be able to walk in 3 months and there won’t be any physical damages after that.
First of all, I would like to thank to President Abdullah Gül, our ex-Presidents Ahmet Necdet Sezer and Süleyman Demirel, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ministers, Members Of Parliament, heads of the political parties, presidents of Türk-İş, Hak-İş, KESK, Kamu-Sen and Memur Sen trade UNION confederations, Presidents of TISK, TOBB and TUSIAD, presidents of UNION of Bar Associations, TMMOB (UNION of Chamber of Turkish Engineers and Architects) and TTB (Turkish Medical Association), profession chambers and to all my friends and thousands of workers who called, visited or sent a telegraph to me.
I especially want to thank to my friends from ETUC affiliated trade UNIONs who sent messages.
Since this assault, there were really hurtful statements like “friend’s bullet” or “debt bullet” in some media organization and TV channels. This bullet is not a “friend’s bullet” nor a “debt bullet”. It is just an “assassination bullet” against the President Of DISK.
What if that bullet killed me, instead of injuring me? I would have gone without having any chance to explain these as the President Of the DISK.
So those who blamed us on every single issue during the1980 coup d’etat but couldn’t find any financial crime, would be pleased.
I would like to state once again that the assault against me doesn’t have any financial or trade related reason. Last thing to say about me or DISK is that we have financial disputes.
I have given all the details about the attack to the prosecutor. In my statement to prosecutor, i told that there isn’t any financial reason behind this attack and I don’t have any trade relations with the attacker. I also informed the prosecutor about my concerns.
I am concerned that this attack and these scenarios are part of an organized plan to damage DISK and myself.
If this person doesn’t have deep psychological problems then he is probably manipulated by someone else. That is what needs to be investigated.
As you know, many political murders took place in our country and perpetrators of these cases keep hidden for many years and not enlightened for many years. In all of these cases, it was told that there isn’t any connection to an organization and they tried to create a distraction by creating different stories about the case. In this case, by creating a story of “debt”, they tried to simplify this crime.
Even though the prosecutor of Sisli asked for “an investigation to understand if the attacker has any ties with organized crime organizations or illegal terrorist organizations”, our Minister Of Internal Affairs declared in the night of 5th October R11; the night I have injured- that “this affair doesn’t have any political ties”. I am concerned with this statement of Minister Of Interior Affairs.
Days before my shooting, suspected package was left in front of the DISK headquarters and just after my shooting official website of DISK was hacked, all of these incidents strengthen our belief that this incident is not personal but part of an organized effort.
We submitted this matter and our written request for a deep investigation to Mr. Minister Of Internal Affairs. Because, connections of this man who had some documents on him about high profile people, who he talked with in the last months and where he stayed needs to be investigated.
This case is now in judicial process. We will follow this case till the end. We will actively participate in the judiciary process in order to make sure that this kind of events won’t happen again. I trust the justice system. I am sure that this case will be finished in the best way.
I want to send my best wishes to KENT AŞ workers, Sinter Metal workers who fight for their right to organize, dismissed workers of the Okmeydanı Hospital, Arçelik workers, and Renta Metal workers from Eskişehir, I won’t be able to join them for a while but I support them with my whole heart. We will again stand shoulder to shoulder as soon as possible.
I would like to thank to all of you.
I hope to see you as soon as possible.
Suleyman ÇELEBİ